From Big Apple to Tropical Paradise: Unveiling Michael’s Secret Nicaraguan Hideaway! #ExpatLife


thank you guys for watching this video today we have a special um episode
because my friend lesli and
Michael so tell tell that where you from llie uh
originally Miami Miami Ando
andk wow so you do good do good and so you actually you live in New York now
and you might call you from uh also also from yor California I’m from San
Francisco actually years so you know and guys one of the reason why we’re here is
because because Leslie came to help Michael Michael has a new house in
Granada close to Granada and I understand you love to decorate the
houses and you know how to do all the things so that’s that’s in another
episode but basically you came here because you heard Michael saying caros
Michael is buying a house in narwa Michael how’ that happened well I don’t
really know how it happened it’s a very good story I might I I know that’s my I
have a close friend from high school in college who lives here and he had been
want he’ also spent a lot of time in San Francisco but he also wanted to uh move
and retire here he’s had a house here for 15 years outside managa and his his
goal was one day I’m going to come down here and retire but he has a lot of
family in San Francisco with financial needs he was doing very well uh working
for the City of New York uh San Francisco and he just you know every
time so you moving yet not this year you mov yet nope not this year and about
three years ago it was like the email came ding we’ve moved we’re here it’s
happening you have to come down and see me at the time I was kind of like oh
well I’m not really ready to there’s various things going on in my life
sometimes we’re able to do certain things sometimes we’re not and then
suddenly I thought to myself well this would be kind of fun to come down and
see him and check out Nicaragua and I started looking a little bit into cities
and towns and I said well I really don’t want a big city that’s managa it’s like
I already have a big city thank you very much New York City is very big the time
I’ve lived in big cities it seems like so you know Pittsburgh you know decent
sized city San Francisco and then uh uh I said well let’s let’s look outside and
it’s funny because I remember anoir my friend anir who is the fellow who lives
here sending links to proper beach properties like sanan delour and things
like that that the parts that many younger people are really interested in
or people who are Beach people I’m not really a beach person so I said you know
I like the water fine but it’s not very important to me I like
being in you know a cultured City with you know it doesn’t have to be City I
mean Granada is beautiful but you if you go to America and they say you’re
calling that a city you you got to be it’s so quain it
has so much history that’s what I love it’s like a little like snapshot of New
Orleans like the French Quarter it’s just so beautiful ex architecture and
it’s just so doable it’s not your rat race like in the big cities what I love
about it’s true you know Leslie and definitely you know when you decide to
come with Michael and Michael was telling you the story hey Leslie we have
a h i have a house in Granada can you come and help me with that that what
would you what your first things was like what Granada narwa well I was uh at
first I was like I’ve traveled quite a bit um throughout my life um
India southeast Asia Europe all sorts of places and uh came here and it was just
the most beautiful experience I have to say the people here are so absolutely
friendly they’re so kind they’ll sit there we had a cab driver actually
yesterday we were lost trying to find trying to find Furnishings for this this
house right here and we spent like 45 minutes out Mah we were in Messiah and
and we had I went to the like the taxi guy has to know where where things are
of and he he not only like he told us where it was but then he went like
really really slow with his blinkers on stopped in front of the place and for
like a good I 15 minutes was just like that’s the place that’s the place and
you know didn’t want to tip refused to tip and I was like that was so kind of
you to show us where we were supposed to be and you know that’s that’s typical of
what we’re seeing yeah there’s just so much here in this in this city town I
don’t know what you call it but um so much to do too oh my gosh there’s like
the the uh We’ve explored so much there’s cafes that have for the for the
death yes that is amazing oh yeah there’s H they oh thank you for the
coffee by the way thank you coffee is incredible they have like little vendors
that sell specialized coffee from their sections they have kaying they have
seeing the live volcano they have so much entertainment here that I was just
very impressed by I think it’s a small there’s plenty of other towns and cities
and so forth that we haven’t even touched and we like to go visit one day
it’s like well you know we’ll get there so you know when when Michael was also
telling me Carlos we look at something like this and like that and you were giv
some ideas I think uh also for Michael was kind of uh that you know perception
of I don’t want to be that close to the city and then far away and I don’t want
a cookie cutter cookie cutter home I want something original and I want
something that’s secure because it’s gated this is built this is built last
and the person who built the house originally went into great length to
tell us how much she she made it so it’s a earth
earthquake and she paid such close attention to detail that that’s
noticeable right off the bat right off the bat definitely you know when she
kept the same Colonial you know the roof with the tiles and then like a like a
maroi and a Mexican again you know because it’s what what the colonial city
is all about you know the same element so but um I I think it’s a good rentable
home first because you have one two three bedrooms right away you know you
have so much space for for parking and people love that to be able to drive
and have a place have to worry about finding parking exactly and and and you
have perfect condition air condition in this house so we’re going to go and see
this house very soon I’m so happy guys that you really take the chance and and
let me help you with this and thank you for thank you for coming also thank you
so much and guys we really have a great time with Leslie and Michael you’re
going to see this house very soon in all the social media we have because we’re
going to have it on the rental market very soon and Leslie has a has a
surprise for you guys that has a house in Nicaragua and if you are in Granada
Manawa sanan dour and you want to have something special to Stage we’re going
to talk about that in another episode but thank you guys for watching this
video thank you Leslie thank you for the coffee thank you Michael New Yorkers New
Yorkers don’t forget subscribe give me that like and I want to see you in the
next [Music]
episode [Music]

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