#22423 PERFECT AIRBNB Colonial Home in Granada @ $ 159,000 USD #22423
[Music] today you and I we’re gonna work
together in a beautiful home that is located in Granada Nicaragua a few steps
from La Casada Street and a few blocks from the center of La Plaza welcome guys
to another episode comes together and see what is this place looks like let’s
go [Music]
every time you see a house in Granada it’s very important where the house is
located and also details like the bathrooms the kitchens and the bathrooms
if they’re well done you’re gonna guarantee to be rented all the time and
the value of the house will continue growing let’s go
check this kitchen guys this is definitely what I call a beautiful
well-designed kitchen the island a beautiful size Granite the space the
stove that’s what I’m calling a stove really if you like to kit to cook this
is awesome check this place out how this face is completely open a big fridge a
lot of wood doors like cabinet tomato real wood like this nice tiny Steels all
the details gonna continue saying this house was made with love lights above
this area another sink and extra space where you can sit down here relaxing
talking and have your breakfast this is a nice
touch I haven’t seen this before in another kitchen but this place is really
taking care of everything here and the lights the way the light goes and the
breeze you can tell immediately it’s constantly going through
that’s very important because the location of this house and the rooms
that we have here you can easily rent Mount this place right away if you bring
a big groups all you have is just a family that you want to stay here for a
couple days this place is excellent [Music]
this why don’t call about outdoor space it’s a two-story house so you have here
a nice combination of dining area or a table for the breakfast your garden a
palm stairs and a waterfall we’re there you see the stairs those gonna take you
directly to the second level where you have the three bedrooms with the
bathrooms so we’re going to continue looking in this space because it’s
definitely looking good I like the colors all the wood they use the kitchen
size and how much space you have for when you have guests or friends let’s go
and see the second level right now let’s go
[Music] wow that’s a nice base I like the open
concept one doors and other rooms and another room right there from here you
can catch the Guadalupe Church dome the view is beautiful I can see also the
volcano but the best view is the church you can see the doors connecting to you
to the room size they have one bathroom here and they have another bathroom
right there this house was designed originally to have an entertain big
groups so don’t surprise when you see these rooms many many bats actually they
call it the bank bed I think it’s double bed size one two and three so in each
room you can easily fit like six eight even four people
I’m surprised how many bits they have well the owner told me Carlos we got
this house because we entertain big groups when they come to the country so
let’s say you work with a group of company and you always gonna have more
than 10 or 20 people this house is ready to go actually house gonna be sold
completely furnished it’s a turnkey deal that is definitely excellent especially
because you can get a good price for it and the location it’s safe and it’s easy
walking to the center
[Music] wow you know what I was talking to the
owner and he said Carlos I want you to see the house because we definitely put
a lot of love and decent and redesign the bathrooms I can see that they not
copy the colonial style they actually updated they put a nice tile here the
shower with the glass doors the you know they use the kind of features like the
faucet stainless Steels nice a glass this is like looks like
um marble but it’s not anyway it’s really well done
[Music] thank you guys for watching this video
today I really enjoyed to see a beautiful home like this well done
excellent location easy to go and ready if you’re ready to buy a property so
don’t forget subscribe to the channel and give me those likes if you say
Carlos I want to learn more about the house I would like to buy it or can you
tell me more there you go my telephone number and my email I’m gonna help you
to know more about this potential deal see you in the next adventure bye
[Music] thank you